Throughout its history, civilized humanity has striven to improve the quality of life, the basis of which is nutrition. Numerous diets and fasting systems are proof of this. They are given beautiful names, among them there are understandable ones with a familiar set of products, but there are many unusual ones with an exotic approach.
Recently, the ketogenic diet, ketogenic diet (ketone diet) or low-carbohydrate diet with a high proportion of dietary fat, is gaining more and more popularity. Its meaning is a sharp reduction in carbohydrate foods and an increase in the proportion of predominantly fatty foods and moderate protein intake. As a result of ketogenic nutrition, fatty acids break down into ketone bodies, which, in conditions of glucose deficiency, feed all organs, including the brain.
Until recently, athletes turned to ketogenic nutrition in an effort to build muscle mass and zero out the fat mass on their bodies. However, carbohydrate-free nutrition has been inherent in mankind since the beginning of its history. From the point of view of physiology, we are all hunters and gatherers.
The human brain has evolved due to the consumption of large amounts of fat throughout the history of evolution. The ancients ate exclusively food of animal origin, the components of which were only proteins and fats. According to scientists, for a relatively short period of its existence, the body of a modern person did not have time to adapt to a diet that contained carbohydrates, and, moreover, consisted only of carbohydrates, which constitute the diet of raw food.
It is quite reasonable to conclude that with the advent of carbohydrate nutrition, an opposite process to the development of human intelligence is inevitable. To understand the keto diet in more detail, it is necessary to learn some basic concepts related to this topic, which will help to find the answer to the question: what is the keto diet?
What is a ketogenic diet, concept, definition
Recently, there has been a lot of information about the ketogenic diet. The authors interpret the essence of the ketogenic system in their own way, they pursue different goals, but the ketogenic essence does not change from this. Let's start simple.
Keto is eating certain foods in certain combinations to get the body running on ketones. Ketones are produced by the body when fat is burned. They are alternative fuels. For the human body, this fuel is the most convenient, since the amount of "waste" is significantly reduced, such fuel is the most efficient.
If we make an analogy with car fuel, then carbohydrate foods are the cheapest fuel that contains a lot of impurities, while no-carb or low-carb foods are Euro fuel, premium fuel for our body, since contain no by-products. "tasty" impurities, keto fuel is more effective for a living organism.
One of the main benefits of the ketogenic diet is the absence of hunger and cravings for certain foods. You can easily stay on this diet for a long time. It is not only efficient, it is comfortable and pleasant.
Over 90% of diets fail. They cannot be followed all the time. Carb cravings and hunger are doing their job. A large number of temptations leads to interruptions and disastrous results. Lost weight returns, and often brings friends with them - new kilograms.
Such an unpleasant feeling as hunger is absent on keto. Yes, while fasting you can enter a state of ketosis, but why, since there is a great way to achieve it without limiting yourself to food. The ketogenic diet does not cause as much damage to the body as fasting.
By taking ketogenic foods, the body continues to receive all the necessary substances and does not experience hunger. At the same time, the process of breaking down fats begins: the body enters a state of ketosis, that is, it begins to produce ketones due to a reduced consumption of carbohydrates.
Carbohydrates are not completely excluded from the diet (the exception is the period of entering ketosis, it is recommended to completely exclude carbohydrates). They must be present in the diet, but their percentage of proteins and fats must be controlled. The fewer carbohydrates, the deeper the ketosis.
The ketogenic diet is a diet to burn fat. A large number of people dream of losing weight and reducing volume. For those who are serious about the state of their body, keto is that magic pill that is easy and pleasant to swallow.
Many people think that eating a lot of fat is bad. But if you significantly reduce the amount of carbohydrates, then there is absolutely no threat in consuming fat. Since, when entering ketosis, the body simply changes from sugar to fat. For the time it takes 2 to 3 days. And to achieve this, you need to drastically reduce the amount of carbohydrates.
For a more effective entry into ketosis, carbohydrates are completely excluded. Such a restructuring in nutrition forces the body to look for other sources of energy. And that source is fat reserves, carefully accumulated over many years.
With hypocaloric diets, weight loss occurs due to the loss of water reserves. This can last a week, two weeks. The euphoria arrives, it worked! Weight loss in progress! But at the end of the diet, the water weight comes back. The meaning of such diets is reduced to zero, if not worse, the weight returns and brings extra kilograms with soda. The fat burning process has not started. Water loss and fat loss are completely different things.
If you use physical exercises to lose weight, they give only 15% of the result, that is, very insignificant compared to the correct ketogenic diet. Also, constant hunger and cravings for any food do not allow you to resist at least for a while on a low-calorie diet.
98% of these types of diets end in failure, which explains the lack of will. When eating carbohydrate foods, blood sugar levels drop due to an increase in insulin, which suppresses blood sugar. With low blood sugar levels, there is a constant feeling of hunger and irritability.
By following a keto or ketogenic diet, you will burn real fat. The water weight will also decrease, but the main objective of burning fat in the body will be achieved. And the fewer carbohydrates you eat, the more efficient the fat burning process will be. The feeling of hunger and the desire to eat will disappear. Due to these circumstances, you can stay on this diet for quite some time.
Any restructuring of the body carries unpleasant symptoms. To avoid transient symptoms, the use of vitamins and electrolytes is necessary.
Along with a number of negative side effects of ketogenic nutrition, there are also some positive ones:
- memory improvement;
- energy boost;
- Intelligence increases;
- Mood improves.
Because ketones are the best food for the brain. As a result, inflammation and pain or tension, if any, disappear. Keto leads to an improvement in the condition of the skin, the rash disappears, if it was.
Comparison of low-calorie, low-fat diets with keto shows significant benefits of keto over other diets.
Why you should use ketogenic nutrition
Everyone who has tried a ketogenic diet has a specific goal. And the goals can be different. These can be needs both of an aesthetic nature and a desire to improve health, or at least improve the condition caused by a particular disease.
Often, the transition to a ketogenic diet is associated with the desire to reduce weight and volume. This is the most obvious result of the ketogenic diet. Success is guaranteed under strict system requirements. The goal is achieved easily and with pleasure. The inevitability of positive weight loss results is evidenced by a plethora of rave reviews.
After understanding how a low-carb diet works, people often try to follow the rules of keto in later life. A correct understanding of ketosis gives confidence in your actions.
But in addition to the aesthetic result, the main objective for many is the solution of health problems. After all, the point of being in ketosis is to reduce and normalize insulin levels.
About 80% of the world's population has problems with insulin - insulin resistance, that is, a violation of the absorption of insulin by receptors. As a result of such failure, the body is forced to produce more and more insulin to make up for its deficiency. This causes many health problems.
An increase in carbohydrate intake leads to an increase in insulin production, insulin resistance occurs. The average person with insulin resistance (prediabetes) produces 7 times more insulin than the body needs. An excess of insulin leads to diabetes, metabolic disorders, obesity, high cholesterol levels.
The brain can burn glucose, but fats feed the brain better. The human brain is more comfortable with burning fat. This state is ketosis. To achieve this state, you must follow a categorical diet: low in carbohydrates and high in fat. Moderate ketosis is a state to strive for.
Ketone bodies in the body come from fats. They cannot be obtained from sugars and carbohydrates. Ketone bodies are used to nourish the brain and fatty acids are used to nourish the muscles.
Alzheimer's patients are known to have elevated levels of insulin in their blood.
Heart and blood vessel problems are also caused by insulin resistance. As a result, it is a question of vasoconstriction due to the appearance of cholesterol plaques, the appearance of blood clots, calcium deposition, which can lead to a heart attack or even a stroke.
As a consequence of insulin resistance, the onset of depression, anxiety, impaired emotional mood. The most serious consequences are fatty liver and cancer, since cancer cells feed on sugar.
From the above material, you can determine a whole list of reasons in favor of a ketogenic diet. Most of the population will find motivating factors for themselves that say why switching to keto is necessary.
Who is on the ketogenic diet?
Despite the relatively young direction in the world of diets, ketogenic nutrition has a large number of adherents with solid experience in the use of this nutrition system. The ketogenic diet has been shown to be positive not only among those who want to lose weight, but also among diabetics, when the lipid profile tends to be ideal and insulin levels decrease to normal. The expertise of American doctors is known throughout the world.
And another interesting theory. When taking drugs, there is an effect on a specific organ of the human body. When the nutrition system is switched to keto, the brain, pancreas, liver, and other organs come under the beneficial influence. And this fact already has a very solid and reliable foundation.
The periodic delivery of the necessary examinations and their control ensure that the therapeutic nutrition system, with an increase in the proportion of fats in the diet, moderate consumption of protein foods and, in practice, exclusion of foods with carbohydrates, for those who suffer from previous diseases, is chosen correctly.
The ketogenic diet is not limited to age among those who want to lose weight or improve their health. This diet is suitable for both athletes and non-athletes, both young and old.
Pregnant women successfully use the ketogenic diet. There are no contraindications to a low-carbohydrate diet while breastfeeding.
The results will not be long in coming. You just need to start eating right, listen to your body, and follow the beginner's instructions, which can be found in this resource.
And if the ketone diet is used for weight loss, then this process will be pleasant and effective.
Reasons to switch to keto
The first and, perhaps, for someone the most important is to get rid of food addiction, overeating, cravings for certain food groups - sweets, starchy foods. A large number of people experience an irresistible desire for sweets. Who has not been given sweets as a prize since childhood, in almost every family cakes, cookies, sweets are served for the festive table?
The presence of sugar on the everyday table has become familiar. It so happened that the most beautiful moments are associated with sweets.
The amount of sweet foods in the children's diet sometimes does not scare adults. "Little ones love sweets. "And they relate to the fact that the boy takes the rich tenderly. The child does not have many options. What he is given is what he takes. Over time, children form a firm belief that sweets, cakes, are good. In addition, the amount of sweets consumed increases, food dependence on sweets appears.
With the advent of health problems, most people understand that it is necessary to adjust their diet, introduce some restrictions on food. But not everyone can cope with cravings for sweets, a habit that has been ingrained since childhood and strengthened over time.
Also, eating sweets in stressful situations for some is a calming and a solution to the problem, but, unfortunately, not for long. Periodic attempts to once and for all abandon sugar-containing products end in failure, breakdowns.
This is where ketogenic nutrition comes in handy. There is not a single review that, with strict adherence to all the conditions of a carbohydrate-free diet, I would like to sit down with something sweet.
If such urges suddenly arise, then one must reconsider, is everything done correctly as part of clinical nutrition?
Check the calories (KBZhU), the amount of food consumed, the "purity" of the food consumed, whether a sufficient amount of the necessary vitamins enters the body. If you approach this problem correctly, positive results will not keep you waiting. With the transition to keto, blood sugar levels normalize.
Another important reason for transitioning to a no-carb diet is skin condition. During the first weeks, the facial skin is transformed. There is no need to visit beauty salons. Over time, the use of creams of various types of orientation is minimized.
For many who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract:
- Gastritis;
- cholecystitis;
- pancreatitis;
- ZhKB.
There is a great opportunity to reduce them. Cramps, pain and swelling are a thing of the past. The intestines perfectly begin to cope with their functions without the help of pills and other forms of medication.
Of course, if there are serious diseases, the transition to a ketogenic diet should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist doctor, monitoring the main indicators of the state of health with the help of tests.
What can you eat on a ketogenic diet?
Carbohydrates: 5% of all calories (vegetables are listed separately as they don't have as many calories and don't cause an insulin response). The correct carbohydrates that are acceptable on keto do not include flour products, sugar, cereals, fruits.
Protein - 20% of all calories (86 - 175g). This group should include:
- Meat;
- fish;
- Seafood;
- Cheese;
- Eggs.
It should be noted that, if possible, preference should be given to products grown in the wild: grass-fed meat, commercial seafood. In the meal it is necessary to take meat broths, offal. Of the drinks, the so-called armored coffee is very popular. Although, this drink is more food than drink.
Fat is 70% of all calories.
At first glance, the fat content of the diet may seem enormous. But it must be understood that the indicated percentages refer to calories, and not to volume or weight.
Most foods are a combination of fat, protein, and carbohydrates. Pure fats include shortening, coconut oil, olive oil, low-carb avocados, and animal fats.
The vegetables allowed on keto are green leafy vegetables, broccoli, lettuce, and other green vegetables. They provide the body with vitamins, trace elements and antioxidants. Don't forget they contain fiber.
World-class nutritionists have developed many recipes with the proper ketogenic ratio of KBJU. There are soups, side dishes, meat and fish dishes, even desserts and pastries. Using ready-made recommendations for cooking ketogenic food, you can develop an approximate menu for yourself for a certain period of time, for example, for a week, a few days, and stick to it without tormenting yourself with the question: "what to do? " cook.? ".
What not to eat on Keto
All cereal products (bread, pasta, cereals, pastries and legumes) should be avoided.
Starchy foods (potatoes, rice, corn), which quickly convert to sugar, are excluded from the ketogenic diet.
Sugars (cane, beets, honey, fructose, fruit syrups and juices, sweet carbonated drinks) are unacceptable on keto. Sugar substitutes are allowed as needed (stevia, xylitol, erythritol).
It is recommended to avoid GMO products (soy, corn, rapeseed oil).
When buying products, be sure to pay attention to the composition. This recommendation applies to meat and fish products, as well as cheeses. Semi-finished products should also be abandoned.
Fats are very important for the body, but you have to be very selective with them. Some of them are dangerous. Solid vegetable fats that have undergone multi-stage processing are industrial-scale trans fats. Keto is against this type of food processing.
Alcohol is also unacceptable on keto. Although among the abundance of strong drinks you can opt for dry wines. There are circumstances when you should not advertise that you are following a ketogenic diet. Then you should opt for drinks without sugar and without gases. At the same time, it is still necessary to observe the measure.
If you follow all the above recommendations when choosing products for a ketogenic diet, buying them will not seem too difficult, and over time these rules will become normal.
cons of keto
Along with a whole list of positives, the ketogenic diet also has its drawbacks. Although the negative points will be negative if you pay attention to them and treat them as deficiencies.
It is worth paying attention to the state that the body enters in the initial stage of the ketogenic path. This condition is called ketoflu. It is characterized by heaviness in the stomach, slight disturbances in digestion. Acetone breath, headaches, weakness or depression of the body are possible. But despite all the apparent gravity, these unpleasant moments are temporary. And then they don't always accompany the entry into ketosis and not necessarily a complete list.
But if you psychologically get into the right mindset and remember that these aggravating circumstances will pass as soon as you enter ketosis, most of the downsides won't seem so big, especially if you use techniques to avoid them.
physical activity on keto
It is known that in the modern world, the first keto adherents are athletes for whom the absence of fat or its minimal amount, dense muscles and endurance play an important role. And since ketogenic nutrition sharpens memory, quick thinking, mental clarity, this nutrition system becomes interesting not only for athletes and people who are fond of physical culture.
As you know, a beautiful and elastic body is not just food. Sports play an important role in building our beautiful shell, those physical activities that a person uses due to his type of activity, hobby or sports life.
To enhance the effect of ketogenic nutrition, sports are quite acceptable.
The best time to exercise is not in the evening or in the morning, but after a long interval after eating. That is, when the level of ketones in the body rises.
It is known that during periods of lack of food (starvation), the body produces more ketones than when fatty foods are consumed. If you still have a pre-workout meal, it is recommended to reduce the proportion of protein in the serving. It is not necessary to change the carbohydrate ratio before or after training.
fast days
The concept of "fasting days" is acceptable, rather, with forced enhanced nutrition. Everyone knows the fitness after the holidays, when heavy parties are unavoidable and physical activity is reduced to a minimum.
If you approach this problem correctly, then the holiday menu can be used for the benefit of your body, that is, eat selectively, only what the body needs on keto. But even with selective nutrition, overeating is not excluded, and after abundant consumption of fatty protein foods, heaviness in the body is observed. Of course, you need to monitor your actions and remember that a large amount of food, even if it does not contain carbohydrates, will not have a positive effect.
But, if, nevertheless, there was an act of overeating, you need to apply the discharge for the body. Also, the body itself will tell you when to stop eating and when to start again. The very concept of "fast days" for keto is not entirely applicable. Among followers of the ketogenic system, there is the concept of "intermittent fasting".
intermittent fasting
Intermittent fasting is not a strict restriction of fuel intake in the body. High-calorie foods are known to allow the body to go without food for a long time. The intervals between meals lengthen. And if you listen to your body and do not follow the generally accepted routine of breakfast-lunch-dinner, eating food only when you need it, then this interval can increase significantly.
It is possible that it can be extended from the morning to the next morning, or from lunch to lunch. That is, a daily meal can become a unique meal. Here you do not have to keep track of time, counting the minutes, trying to beat your own record. You just need to listen to your body. And this is reasonable, rather than subjecting him to forced hunger strikes, or putting him into a state of starvation.
This is what intermittent fasting is all about.
It should not be carried out from time to time, but constantly. Our body will tell itself when to refuel and when to cut off the fuel supply. One just has to learn to listen to it, understand it and apply the necessary actions in practice.
So the main reason to switch to a ketogenic diet is to improve health and get rid of diseases, if any. Prevention of diabetes and, in some cases, its treatment. Increased energy levels and appetite control. Normalization of cholesterol levels and blood pressure. Improves memory, concentration. Get rid of depression and any signs of its manifestation. Improve the quality of life in general.